Starting a week ago, CB went through a shift and seems more comfortable in his body and to have grown in a few areas. This may be the growth that is typically witnessed after long regression periods. I already blogged about some of the regression we were seeing with CB in January and February – We saw small bits of improvement in late February and then starting last Wednesday night, it was as if a barrier within CB’s brain was removed or moved out of the way. It all started during a walk with me after dinner last Wednesday. We were walking along and he seemed more present, conversational and observant. During the walk, CB saw 3 girls playing in a neighbor’s lawn with their mom’s gathered in a semi-circle behind them chatting and sipping wine. CB showed interest in the girls playing and the older one who was 9 asked him to join them. He played beautifully with the girls, including 1 his own age, which involved kicking balls around, chase, and just typical kid play. He even played in his rubber rain boots. We stayed there for 30-45 minutes. The next day continued in the same fashion where he received 2 bonus stars at school and had a great OT session. On Friday, his ST mentioned that they played 2 games and CB was actively involved the whole time. Usually about 2/3 the way, CB would grow disinterested and distracted. He also focused very well and was attentive during his horse therapy. While playing at the park, he ran further than he ever has. If he over-reacted with his brother, he could recognize the behavior, apologize, and move on. The following days have continued in a similar pattern.
Besides improved focus, we have seen an increase in awareness and attachment. More questions like “what does _____ mean?”, some discontent with me leaving him at school on Monday, and he even slept in my arms last night…ahhhh, right :). It was stormy last night so he came into our room b/c he was scared and does not like the thunder and rain. He slept snuggled up close to me in my arms with his leg wrapped around me.
On the flip side, some of the behavior issues have remained. We have focused this week on not throwing things when he gets upset. This is occurring at school and at home. He also has continued to have some pee and poop accidents even after stopping the cleanse. We will watch this further as this could be due to a need for us to reintroduce one of his supplements, like fish oil.
Oh, I have also got in touch via FB with another family with a child with the same genetic disorder as CB. So far, I have only been able to locate 2 families with the same genetic disorder. I know there are more, but it is quite rare (or at least there are few documented classes). I have reached out to the other family but have not heard back from them. I am hopeful to learn more and to connect with those families.