Allergy Report & First Food Reintroduction

CB is 4 years old …

Life is going well here in our little household. Olem and I are both thinking positively and just enjoying life. It is easy to see how CB’s behavior can be quite linked to our moods and reactions. CB is having a great week at school. I guess the aggression last week was either tied to the return to school after our trip and/or the reintroduction of fish oil after a 5 day break due to our little vacation. CB is still a bit off. His therapists mentioned that he did a good job and performed what was asked but that he struggled more and seemed more foggy-headed than he has been lately. When things like this happen, we immediately start looking into what is going on with him outside of therapy to see if there is a logical or easily-identifiable reason. CB is experiencing some seasonal allergies which may be contributing to these struggles. We now think the rash on his bottom is potentially linked to his seasonal allergies. We also found out he has to wear non-elastic underwear. The elastic irritates his skin.

We got 90% of his allergy report back and were pleasantly surprised. He only showed an allergy to mold (indoor and outdoor) and a borderline potential for a peanut allergy. Olem had allergy shots as a kid and was allergic to a long list of things so we really expected to see similar results for CB. CB’s nutritionist had recommended back in January that we hold off performing an allergy test b/c she felt the report would show a lot of false positives since his nutrition report showed several vitamin deficiencies and the selective IGA deficiency. I posted more about that at my Current Diet and Supplements post. Since his latest nutrition report showed that his body is in a much improved state, we decided to move forward with the allergy report.

We reintroduced plain whole milk yogurt (first casein protein introduction) yesterday into CB’s diet. He had a small amount yesterday afternoon and a small amount this afternoon. So far, he hasn’t shown any noticeable reaction. We really hope he can have yogurt again. We think CB for sure had, and potentially still has, leaky gut issues. Since his body is no longer reporting malabsorption issues, we thought it would be a good time to start reintroducing foods. We know the modified diet has helped, but we don’t know 100% why or what specific components have helped his body. Our plan is to reintroduce foods slowly, monitor CB’s body, emotional, and physical response, and have another nutrition report performed in 6 months. Hopefully, we will see some changes in one form or another that tell us when his body is having problems with a specific type of food. By performing the nutrition report in 6 months, we will be able to see if any vitamin deficiencies or malabsorption issues have returned.

Positive progress: CB stayed dry all night and urinated in the toilet on his own first thing in the morning. His sleep was very interrupted last night b/c of his younger brother. There is the chance he didn’t get to sleep as deeply and was able to control it better. Still, it is a great step for CB! Also, CB’s vestibular system is integrating more fully. He requested more types of swings during OT and at the pediatric therapy play gym and seems way more comfortable.


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