Tag Archive: vitamin d

Parasites Strike Again

For me and for most of the moms I know, after we take in the fact that our child has special needs, we set off on a journey to find the root cause of our child’s challenges and sometimes illnesses. Even when we think we have an answer, it is not the final answer. Things are always in flux and we are always learning something new. Information posted a few years ago may already be disproven or at the least improved upon. Even though we know CB has a genetic difference, genetic variance, genetic mutation, whatever you want to call it, we know that he exhibits a myriad of symptoms that may or may not be 100% related to this genetic variance. He could exhibit some behaviors because the genetic variance makes his body more susceptible to other infections, illnesses, or other difficulties.

Our latest work up results included blood, urine, and stool.  We did this as we were considering seeing a pediatric gastrointologist. This pediatric gastrointologist wanted an extensive work up including blood, urine, and stool before he will see your child. His visits are also 100% out of pocket and if he has to do a scope, a good portion is not covered by insurance. Since it was time to do CB’s usual blood work, we added in the extra tests. The good news is that we do not feel we need to move forward with a visit to the pediatric gastrointologist based off the results of the work up. (sigh of relief). The concerning news is that CB’s iron is still low and his IgA levels have fallen even lower. His wbc count is low but nothing else on the CBC. His zinc and vitamin D look fine but we supplement those. The other interesting finding is that his stool still contains d. fragilis. This is the same parasite identified in his stool from another lab almost a year ago. We treated the parasite with humaworm. Actually, the entire family took humaworm. We felt his symptoms had improved afterwards. Since we did not test again, I don’t know if it actually cured it and he was reinfected or it never fully cured it.  (more…)

Impulsivity and Reflected Emotions

I’m trying to figure out how to even start. This last week and a half have been quite hard. Poor CB has been sick with a fever that lasted for 4 days, plus a cough, runny nose, sneezing, and increased impulsivity. The impulsivity started before the fever and it has grown to such a degree that we opted to remove cow’s milk from CB’s diet again. The decision also took into account reviewing his latest blood work and past stool test to determine that his gut does not seem to be performing at optimal levels due to the high fecal fat content and the lower vitamin levels of zinc, D3, and iron saturation. Goat’s milk is still currently in his diet and he is eating goat’s milk kefir in the mornings to help combat the antibiotics he is taking. He still also gets his probiotic at night. Since he has been prone to yeast infections in the past when he takes antibiotics, I try to ensure to restore with good bacteria. Olem and I still feel that diet can make a big difference and are just trying to see if there is an optimal diet that suits CB best. There are always so many factors to consider that it is typically not one thing that we can pin such behavior changes on. Additionally, some of CB’s therapies and his preschool are coming to an end. He could be feeding off my and/or his teachers’ energies. He can be very sensitive to others feelings and we see his behaviors reflecting/modeling back others emotions. We talk with CB about some of his therapies and preschool ending but CB doesn’t say much or respond much to these comments. Who knows if this is affecting him more than he can show us.  (more…)